This past Friday night the amazing Mrs. Lisa Rigdon covered the Parkway South Patriots and Eureka Wildcats football game. As many people in the St. Louis area know right now the Parkway South football team has been struggling with injuries this season and even had to cut one of their games short due to not having enough healthy players to field a team. Good for them for rebounding Friday night and getting out on the gridiron to compete. Your Eureka Wildcats came out on top during this football game and won easily over the Patriots. Don’t you know there are a ton of NFL teams that wish they could write that past sentence! This upcoming week the Wildcats will travel to Lindbergh to take on the Flyers and of course, we’ll be there and the game will be broadcast on Prepcasts! In addition to the game Lisa captured images of the Golden Line who dominated during their performance at halftime! The link to the images is listed below and we fully edit all images once they’re purchased. Enjoy the images & THANK YOU for your support of our lil’ ol’ company! 🙂
Ron & Lisa (The Rigdons)

Carter Davis with a pass attempt during the Wildcats game against Parkway South

Eureka Asst. Principal David Arledge (@ehs2022ap) and Athletic Trainer Sharon Henderson (@eurekahs_atc) taking in some Wildcat football

The Eureka Golden Line Crushing It at halftime

Rhemi Watson of the Eureka Wildcats is off and running during the Wildcats game against Parkway South

Eureka’s Mason Meyers (88) pulls down a pass over Parkway South’s Mason Lange (14)