Hey #LionNation!!! All spring sports team images for the Northwest Lions are now posted on our website! Just a reminder that we are inserting a specially designed backdrop for the individual images and the background will not be green or with circles! Except for the Lion baseballers – I did a different lighting set up for them based on what was done for the Cardinals at spring training this year.
PARENTS – If you place an online order by April 5, 2016 there will be NO SHIPPING CHARGES! Obviously there are no shipping charges for all orders placed on the day of the photos.
Just click here for all of your Northwest Lions Spring Sports Pictures!

Northwest Lions Golf

Tyler Rockel of Northwest Lions Golf

Austin Wiesler – Northwest Lions Golf

Clayton Meyer of Northwest Lions Golf

Northwest Lions soccer Alexa Griffonetti – She wins games!

Lacy Snell – she golfs too! 🙂 Always smiling for Northwest Lions soccer

Xaver McConnell of Northwest Lions Golf

Ronald Jackson of Northwest Lions Boys Volleyball

The very photogenic Bo Price of Northwest Lions Boys Volleyball

Elvis Ambrocio of Northwest Lions Track!

THE Kyle Mikes of Northwest Track & Field

Abbigail Franken of Northwest Lions Track & Field

Northwest Lions Track & Field Kaitlyn Bell

Deep thinker, Gretchen Nevschwander of Northwest Lions Track & Field

Cody Blalack of Northwest Lions Baseball

Miss Awesome 2016 Kaitlyn Speh of Northwest Lions Track & Field